viernes, 25 de junio de 2010

Final Project Progress Report II

Introduction: We conducted an interview in Second Life, visited romantic places to find the possible subjects for our research. We already knew people date, get partners and even married in Second Life but we interested into knowing how are these relationships different from those in Real Life, are those people committed to their partners or it is just a game.

Method: Survey. We make contact with several people, in my personal experience I talked to several people until I found a couple who accessed to be interviewed. I send them the questions, one of them decided not to answer specifics questions regarding marriage and partnership status in Second Life, which deducted some important information to conclude about his Second Life behaviour.

Limitations: Time limit it was important to decide the size of the sample, we only interviewed 5 couples, if the sample were bigger then we could make some conclusions about cultural differences as well.

Results: We find interesting results regarding the age and gender of the people we interviewed, a big percentage of women care more about the commitment in their relationships but that may change according to the age of the subjects. When it comes to age, males and females shared patters.

Final Project_Progress Report I

Romantic Relationship in Second Life Survey

This survey is part of an undergraduate class project on Second Life. Please answer honestly. The group in charge of the project will be doing a blog post based on the answers received. If you feel uncomfortable answering the survey, you have the right not to complete it.
Your information will be received totally anonymously. Thank you very much for your time. We appreciate it.

1. Which country are you from (Real Life)?
2. Education Background (Real Life)
High-School Graduated
3. Gender in Real Life
4. Gender in Second Life (If you have more than one avatar, please select the gender of your MAIN avatar, the one you use the most.)
5. Real Life Marriage status
In relationship
Prefer not to answer
6. Second Life Marriage/Partnered status
In relationship
Prefer not to answer
7. What are your favorite activities in Real Life? Please list three.
8. What are your favorite activities in Second Life? Please list three.
9. Age in real life
10. Have you had dating experiences in Second Life? Activities are comparable to those in Real Life, like going shopping, watching movies, etc.
11. Have you ever been in a Second Life marriage/partnership? (For purposes of a committed romantic relationship, not for business/friendship reasons)
12. If you did it, how would you describe the experience? Please use two short sentences to describe it.
13. If you haven't had the experience, (in the future) would you consider SL partnership or even marriage for romantic relationship purposes?
Yes. Why?
No. Why not?
14. If you have been in a SL marriage/partnership, how long did it last? If there was more than one experience, choosing that lasted the longest.
Less than 3 months
Greater than 3 months
More than a year
Not applicable to me
15. Do you think a relationship in SL should be treated honestly and loyally just like one in Real Life?
Yes. Why?
No. Why not?
16. If you already have a relationship in Real Life, would you consider your affections in SL as an act of adultery?
Yes. Why?
No. Why not?
17. Is it possible to deal with two relationships simultaneously? (RL romance and SL romance)
Yes. Why?
No. Why not?
18. If you have romantic attachments in SL, do you keep the relationship within the SL platform?
19. Would you consider SL relationships as a potential RL romantic encounter/partnership or even marriage?
Yes. Why?
No. Why not?
20. Does your avatar represent and reflect the real you in RL?
Yes. Why?
No. Why not?
21. Do you think fabricating the glorious events about you to increase the opportunities to have intimate relationship immoral?
Yes. Why?
No. Why not?

martes, 1 de junio de 2010

Live Amsterdam [Latest Revision]
‘Real fun in a virtual world’

Amsterdam’s sim was created by Stroker Serpentine, his great attention on details captured the charms of the world’s most stimulating city, thereby, attracting Second Life gamers all the time, visitors never stop coming just like in Real Life. The virtual city welcomes you at the Central Station, trains coming and going all the time make the scenario to look so real, history background about the station can be found at the main gate, in case you want to know a little more about it, then with a couple of clicks and a quick fly over a wide variety of attractions will be open in front of your eyes.

The effort spent into creating this place is visible everywhere, the buildings, advertisements, shops and like in the real Amsterdam centuries-old canals runs through the city with bridges and lights alongside to provide it with a very distinctive color and a delicate European atmosphere. For a tour around the paved streets and the historical places free bikes are available. The old architecture was carefully masked by colorful and bright ads signs all over the place but instead of disturbing the scene it contributes to create a most appealing ambient, a more realistic one, to let you feel the city.

Adult entertainment

Amsterdam’s air of freedom and tolerance placed visitors between museums, architectonical relics, virtual streetwalkers and all kinds of sex-related activities. It design was thought to be a mature region meaning that sexually-explicitly content is acceptable. Shops offering sex-related goods are everywhere, pictures of naked women or promoting lingerie are among the most common ones, and if the sex business is not what you are looking there are also some casinos to offer a different sort of entertainment. So, when visiting Amsterdam, open your mind to the unexpected, because you may get all sort of invitations while walking around the city, virtual sex, escort service are all in the menu.

Visit Amsterdam here: